The Sunset

This is a series photos taken at twilight of the day. Reflected by the lake, the magnificent colour of the sunset spreads through out the page and reveals the beauty of symmetry. It reminds me how a similar idea was developed in math — as Galois studied the symmetry of roots and developed Group Theory. Captured by an ultra-wide lens, the sceneries make me feel calm and silence.


This series is all about forests — it contains photos of forest in various seasons in Ontario, Canada. I love to walk on the trails, surrounded by the forest, and listen to the song of birds. I enjoy the feeling of being immersed in a natural environment and appreciate the elegance of nature.


I also enjoy atrophotography, staring at the spacious and mysterious universe and realizing the littleness of ourselves — human. Moreover, I feel amazing that those photons shooting in my eye have travelled in the universe for millions years because of the distance between us and the stars. I also feel astonishing when I look at the star trails on the photos and recognize the beauty of patterns and geometric shapes.
